Наш главный оранжевый плейлист:

Также смотрите наиважнейшие плейлисты проекта канала – Английский язык по плейлистам (ссылки также есть на главной странице канала):

1) ОРАНЖЕВЫЙ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ — АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ДО АВТОМАТИЗМА (уроки английского языка с нуля до Advanced) – ПОЛНЫЙ КУРС (это абсолютный хит, самый востребованный курс – для всех уровней)

2) ЗОЛОТОЙ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ – БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ РЕПЕТИТОР (английский с нуля – самый легкий и удобный если учим английский с самого нуля и нужно максимально подробно)

3) САПФИРОВЫЙ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ – АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ПО ФОРМУЛАМ – СУПЕР КУРС (улучшенный плейлист с акцентом на словарный запас и произношение, также идеально подходит если нужен правильный английский с нуля)

4) ИЗУМРУДНЫЙ (универсальный экспресс курс английского языка по уровням – сжато и эффективно)

5) СИНИЙ — ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ ГРАММАТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА с НУЛЯ (интенсивный курс для всех уровней)

6) ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ – АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ДО ПОЛНОГО АВТОМАТИЗМА (уроки английского языка для начинающих – дополнительная практика)
(подробный плейлист с самого начала, очень хорошую базу дает, английский для начинающих)

Все плейлисты друг друга дополняют и рекомендация смотреть разные плейлисты чтобы лучше закрепить материал, также удобно их включать фоном как закрепление. По возрастанию сложности плейлисты:
1.золотой 2.сапфировый, изумрудный (начало), зелёный 3.оранжевый (1-ая часть) 4.синий (1-ая часть) 5.сапфировый (продолжение), изумрудный (продолжение), синий (2-ая часть) и оранжевый (2-ая часть)

Многие начинают с оранжевого и как дополнительную практику используют другие плейлисты чтобы было легче дальше. Рекомендация – смотреть разные плейлисты как дополнение. Последние улучшенные плейлисты – изумрудный и сапфировый (новый хит).

Автор канала – Александр Бебрис, преподаватель английского и других иностранных языков. В 20 лет получил международный Кембриджский сертификат на уровень C1 (2007) и в 21 год международный сертификат от Кембриджского университета на преподавание английского языка по всему миру CELTA (2008). Также в 2008 году – красный диплом, в 25 лет – кандидат наук (2011).

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  1. 💛💛💛 I made three mistakes in this lesson. I’m not upset because this practice makes me stronger. I continue this test I can better and I hope for a good result.

  2. I enjoq this teacher! He`s really the best teacher! Let`s continue this very important playlist with him and only with him!!!

  3. Ребята ВПЕРЕД и только ВПЕРЁД,,,я безумно рада моим результатам 💕🇺🇸,,, Александр 🤗 огромное спасибо за вашу работу для нас,,,это бесценный опыт и ПОДАРОК 🎁 для людей которые хотят изучить Английский эффективно ,,

  4. He's my friend
    I don't understand why they don't want to work on their mistakes and I know it's really strange
    Do you recommend that book
    She doesn't eat meat
    He's in his room
    How does she prefer to do it ?
    How regularly do you go to that place?
    She has one child
    Let's talk about traveling!
    I learn English because I want to communicate with my friends who live in other countries
    I see my results
    I can't understand why they don't do it
    He studies here
    Does she watch TV?
    Do you prefer to learn English here?
    These houses are so expensive
    He knows it better
    We know they have this money
    Do you study there?
    All people make mistakes and I know I also make mistakes but I try to work on them
    Does he give useful examples? Very useful. I like these very informative and useful lessons
    I really understand English
    Where is he from?
    They're managers
    Do you have free time?
    He has money
    Are you sure that it's good?
    We learn English online and we do it very effectively
    It isn't ready
    This knowledge is very important
    Do you do these exercises?
    How does he prefer to learn English?
    Do they study better?
    She usually does it
    This exam is so easy for us
    Who's that man?
    I like reading English books
    It's absolutely free
    It's a mistake
    Is it interesting?

  5. He is my friend. I don’t understand why they don’t want to work on their mistakes and I know it really strange. Do you recommend that book? She doesn’t eat meat. He is in his room. How does she prefer to do it? How regularly do you go to that place? She has one child. Let’s talk about traveling.
    I learn English because I want to communicate with my friends who live in other countries. I see my results. I can’t understand why they don’t do it. He is studies here. Does she watch TV? Do you prefer to learn English here? These houses are so expensive. He knows it better. We know they have this money. Do you study there?
    All people make mistakes and I know that I also make mistakes but I work on them. Does he give you useful examples? Very useful. I like these very informative and useful lessons. I really understand English. Where is he from? They are managers. Do you have free time? He has money. Are you sure that it is good.
    We learn English online and we do it very effectively. It isn’t ready. This knowledge is very important. Do you do these exercises? How does he prefer to learn English? Do they study better? She usually does it. This exam is so easy for us. Who is that man? I like reading English books. It’s absolutely free. It’s a mistake. Is it interesting?

  6. Благодарю Вас Александр за отличный урок!!!❤🙏

  7. 241. He’s my friend

    242. I don’t understand why they don’t want to work on their mistakes and I know it’s really strange

    243. Do you recommend that book?

    244. She doesn’t eat meat

    245. He’s in his room

    246. How does she prefer to do it?

    247. How regularly do you go to that place?

    248. She has one child

    249. Let’s talk about traveling!

    250. I learn English because I want to communicate with my friends who live in other counties

    251. I see my results

    252. I can’t understand why they don’t do it

    253. He studies here

    254. Does she watch TV?

    255. Do you prefer to learn English here?

    256. These houses are so expensive

    257. He knows it better

    258. We know they have this money

    259. Do you study there?

    260. All people make mistakes and I know that I also make mistakes but I work on them

    261. Does he give useful examples? I like these very informatively and useful lessons

    262. I really understand English

    263. Where is he from?

    264. They’re managers

    265. Do you have free time?

    266. He has money

    267. Are you sure that it’s good?

    268. We learn English online and we do it very effectively

    269. It isn’t ready

    270. This knowledge is very important

    271. Do you do these exercises?

    272. How does he prefer to learn English?

    273. Do they study better?

    274. She usually does it

    275. This exam is so easy for us

    276. Who’s that man?

    277. I like reading English books

    278. It’s absolutely free

    279. It’s a mistake

    280. Is it interesting?

  8. 2 ошибки в 246 , в 267 предложениях .
    Благодарю 🙏 Thanks a lot 💜

  9. Не без ошибок, но все исправлено и я надеюсь усвоено, учитель, как всегда прав!!!

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