Animator vs. Animation IV (original)

Animator vs. Animation IV (original)

Help me make more of these!
The struggle between a stick figure and its creator, a computer animator. In this fourth installment, the animator is finally shown in real life interacting with his computer monitor. The stick figure, resisting his tormentor, attacks his social life by hacking his Facebook account, traveling onto his iPhone via USB cord, and drawing animations of his own to dismantle the animation interface.


Subtitles available in 33 languages (Click the CC):
العربية, 中文, čeština, Dansk, Eesti keel, ελληνικά, English, Español, Deutsch, فارسی, Français, हिन्दी, עברית, hrvatski, Bahasa Indonesia, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Magyar, Bahasa melayu, Nederlands, Norsk, Pilipino, Polski, Português, Русский язык, Română, slovenčina, српски (srpski), suomi, svenska, ภาษาไทย, Tiếng việt, Türk, اردو
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Funded through Kickstarter!

watch number 1:
watch number 2:
watch number 3:

Music by Sarah Eide

The original source files (using Adobe Flash) are for sale on my website:

Alan Becker’s Patreon Page:
Alan Becker Twitter:
Alan Becker Facebook:
Alan Becker Website:
Alan Becker’s Animation Tutorials:
Alan Becker in Minecraft:
Alan Becker on Twitch:
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Alan Becker’s T-shirts:

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45 комментариев для “Animator vs. Animation IV (original)


    Well deserved as well.

    Also, if you turn up the volume at 1:27 you can hear their muffled voices talking about how Alan has to go to the laundry room to get the clothes, and she tells him not to forget his keys.

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