Who is Alex Vervoordt? World Famous Interior Designer to the Stars | Art of Style Documentary | M2M

Who is Alex Vervoordt? World Famous Interior Designer to the Stars | Art of Style Documentary | M2M

With talents expanding from art dealer, collector and interior designer, Axel Vervoordt has curated the homes of designers and celebrities around the world. From his humble beginnings in Belgium to his current home in Gravenwezel Castle, explore the sophisticated elegance behind one of today’s most prestigious tastemakers.

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40 комментариев для “Who is Alex Vervoordt? World Famous Interior Designer to the Stars | Art of Style Documentary | M2M

  1. Level End boss architect.
    Admitting the architecture shouldn't be too beautifull because then every item one puts in the structure works detrimental to the architectural design.🤯

  2. Самозванец! Я самый лучший дизайнер в этом мире, просто у меня мало денег и подручных материалов, а так бы я вам всем показал… :))

  3. Axel ipv Alex .Prachtig hoe je mooie voorwerpen tot hun recht laat komen .Bedankt om dit te delen en je mag me altijd uitnodigen op deze locatie .

  4. Incredible person, talent and inspiration everywhere — such eye candy for the designer in all of us. 💖

  5. I’ve watched this so many times, Alex is such a vessel of light, so inspirational just a beautiful human spirit, love just oozes from his voice but most importantly his connection to his inner child😘The more we can remain open minded and vulnerable, your imagination will never grow dull and stale🌟

  6. Who is Alex??? The fact that this video is all about introducing Axel Vervoordt and they call him Alex is hilarious.

  7. as spiritual and wholesome this looks and although he's got gorgeous taste at the end of it all he's rich enough to dedicate his time to doing this which is something most of us can't dream of doing

  8. are you hiring, Mr Alex? I have two right hands in woodworking! I'm italian.
    I'd love working for such a great Maestro like you ♥

  9. Compmaturism sometimes explores that part of beauty which is covered in routine, craftsmanship, and speculation. Therefore, the eyes of many collectors are turned to the Compmaturism of the new trend in order to experience something truly.

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